Students can avail the school transport subject to availability to seats. The routes of the school buses are drawn up and the parents should consult the school transport in-charge for necessary details.
1. No students will be allowed to travel by school bus without an Identity Card.
2. All students using the school bus are expected to be at the bus stop before the arrival of the bus.
3. Students are allowed to use only allotted bus and bus stops. No change can be allowed without prior permission of the school in writing.
4. If a student misses his/ her allotted bus, he/she should not try to board another bus. It is then the responsibility of the parent to escort his/her ward to the school gate. However the student will return by the allotted bus. If due to certain exigencies, a student has to leave the school campus during school hours, on his own transport, the following rules have to be observed.
- Give written application
- Produce the Identity’s Card
- Sign the School Leaving Register
- Taking a Gate Pass which has to be shown at the school gate before leaving the campus.
5. All the students must occupy vacant seats immediately after boarding their buses.
6. The front door of the bus is the only authorized entrance and exit.
7. No student should come near the entry door of the bus unless it has made a complete stop.
8. The student must stay away from the main road until the bus arrives.
9. The drivers are authorized to stop buses at the designated stops only, unless otherwise directed by the bus teacher. The list of stops is kept prepared keeping in view the convenience safety of all bus commuters and is always subject to change. No diversion/ extension will be entertained on existing routes.
10. Objects of any kind must not be discarded inside or thrown out of the bus.
11. Students will be held responsible for any damage to bus caused by negligence or vandalism.
12. The bus will not wait for late comers.
13. No students shall travel standing on the footboard.
14. Students should not move around in the bus when it is in motion.
15. Unruly behaviour like shrieking/ putting hands or head out is strictly prohibited. Students are expected to behave decently with the fellow students inside the bus. Boys and girls travelling together should maintain their dignity without hurting each other’s self-respect.
16. There may be a hike in Transport fee in accordance with the hike in fuel and other transportation cost.
17. If any student is found damaging the property of a bus, he/she will have to bear the expenses incurred on that.
18. It is expected that the students will maintain the same standard of decorum and discipline inside the bus as they have been following in the school.
19. The bus teacher and the monitor are responsible for maintaining the discipline in the bus. Any serious offence must be reported to the Coordinator immediately.
20. In case of any accident/ mishap the owner of the vehicle or organisation is not liable for such incident.
21. In case of any breakdown of the vehicle on the route the vehicle will be replaced at the earliest possible and/ or the school will get in touch with the parents concerned.
22. In case of change in stop and/or bus (of temporary or permanent nature), the permission of the same has to be sought through an application on the prescribed form available at the Administrative Office. However, the change shall become effective only after the permission is granted by the school. In case of permanent nature of change, a new set of two identity cards will be issued and the parents have to ensure the surrendering of the previous set of identity cards.
23. If a student discontinues bus service completely during the year after opting for it, he/she has to pay the transport fees for one more month i.e. if it is discontinued from January, the fees has to be paid till February.
24. The students will not sit in the cabin of the driver.
25. Parents or the local guardian will have to produce the parent’s copy of the identity card at the bus stop or at the school gate in case of supervision.
26. If mutilated or lost, a new set of identity cards will have to be procured by the parents. However, for this the parents have to give an application at the Administrative Office (?). Also they must ensure that they surrender the mutilated cards immediately along with the application.
27. Parents/ guardians of such students who do not avail of the school transport at the school gate 15 minutes before the dispersal to collect their wards.
28. Identity Cards are valid for one academic session only and shall be surrendered on the day of the distribution of the final report card.
29. The school reserves the right of cancelling the bus pass of any students on receiving complaints from school authority/ co-passengers.
30. The school doesn’t bear any responsibility in case of accidents and mishaps in cases of circumstances beyond our control.
31. The school bus service or facility is the total discretion of DPS (Joka) South Kolkata Transport section. Admission of the student in DPS (Joka) South Kolkata doesn’t mean an automatic provision of the facility for the admitted child. Bus facility may be withdrawn on one month’s notice from either side due to unforeseen circumstances that may crop up or on the basis of the Directive of the school Management Disciplinary Committee in eventuality of inappropriate behaviour of the student or persons linked to him/ her.
32. The school doesn’t bear any responsibility to drop/ collect the child from the bus from the respective bus stops.